I created spoke-n-spin as a forum to share my love of cycling, and to encourage a dialogue with other cycling fans. I believe that cycling is the most thrilling and accessible sport in the world. My passion for the sport began over 25 years ago when I used to read the daily Tour De France reports in the newspaper. Now that so many races are available to watch online or on television, I watch every single race I can. 

Every word on this site is a product of my own thoughts as I process the myriad dramas and ecstasies that unfold on roads all over the world. As far as I am concerned there is no other sport that delivers the level of excitement, beauty, and human drama that cycling does, with all the competition, personalities, exotic locales, extraordinary feats, the crowds, the triumphs and disasters, and all while delivering spectacular scenery and endless thrills.

The intense challenges and harsh conditions, the calculated and risky strategies the riders employ, and the relationships—good and bad—that develop among the competitors are all integral to the sport, and offer us fans glimpses into the human condition that have the potential for profound effect. We viewers get to see all this as the peloton cruises through varied and impressive scenery, opening up to us the roads and regions of the entire world. Cycling is an aesthetic experience unmatched by other sports.

My background is in television broadcasting and production, including over a decade in sports TV here in the U.S. (at one local sports network I used to work, I was constantly lobbying to add cycling coverage—to very little avail).  I hope that professional cycling will continue to grow in America and that more people will come to love the bike as much as I do.

I appreciate and encourage comments and questions, as there is so much in the sometimes-controversial world of cycling that is worthy of discussion and debate.
Thank you for reading my blog. Please pedal around the pages, and enjoy.

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